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NOTE: This page is about the version of Azmuth from the Classic Continuity. His counterpart from the Reboot has not been approved Inconsistently Admirable.

Your grandfather convinced me you were a better choice. He said you had the seeds of greatness. Almost immediately I thought I made a huge mistake. Your brashness and immaturity made a bad impression. Then I saw you grow, witnessed your bravery and ingenuity using the Omnitrix in ways that never even occurred to me. Me, the smartest being in three galaxies! Arguably five galaxies.
~ Azmuth explaining to Ben why he let him keep the Omnitrix.

Azmuth is the overarching protagonist of the Ben 10 franchise. He's the inventor of the Omnitrix, a device in the style of a watch that allows its user to transform into a variety of different alien lifeforms.

After the Omnitrix crash-landed on Earth, it was found by a 10-year-old Ben Tennyson, who would acquire the device and later be dubbed the "Hero of Heroes" , saving the world countless times, a few times with direct guidance from Azmuth himself.

He was voiced by Robert David Hall in the Original Series, by Jeff Bennett in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien, and by René Auberjonois in Omniverse.

His Good Ranking[]

What Makes Him Admirable?[]


  • Gave his reality warping sword to Sir George so he could stop the Dagon's invasion of Earth on the Middle Ages.
  • After accidentally creating the Galvanic Mechamorphs during an experiment on Galvan B, Azmuth and his people allowed the newly born species to claim the world they were created in as their own.
  • After Azmuth dedicated himself to peaceful science, he created the Omnitrix in hopes of making a means for all beings on the universe to understand each other and live in harmony.
    • The Omnitrix was also meant to work as an intergalactic Noah's Ark, being able to preserve and restore any species should they become extinct.

Ben 10 Classic[]

  • Despite initially living as an hermit, Azmuth was finally convinced to turn off the Omnitrix's self-destruct, saving the universe.
    • He also gave Ben access to Way Big, a transformation he used to defeat Vilgax.
    • This also made Azmuth become more involved with the galaxy and the Plumbers.
  • Restored Ben's parents to their normal forms after they were transformed into aliens.

Alien Force[]

  • Returned to help Ben deal with Albedo, deactivating the Omnitrix copy from his former assistant and later reassuring Ben that he was worthy of the Omnitrix.
  • Despite initially showing reluctance, Azmuth agreed to let Ben fight in the Highbreed Wars and even unlocked the Master Control for him.
    • Azmuth also participated in the final battle and even followed Ben into the chamber of the Highbreed Council.
    • Giving Master Control to Ben ultimately was the reason they were able to cure the Highbreed and stop the war.
  • Despite being disappointed at Ben for hacking the Omnitrix he still explained to him how to recover his missing transformations.
  • After Ben helped him deal with Vilgax on Primus, Azmuth allowed him to keep the Omnitrix even though he hadn't forgiven him yet.
  • Gives Ben an idea on how to defeat Vilgax, who's now wielding the Omnitrix, after having a heart to heart with the young hero.

Ultimate Alien[]

  • Informed the heroes of Aggregor's plan to obtain the Map of Infinity and told them the location of each piece.
  • Despite being reluctant at first, Azmuth allowed Eunice to have a free life as an assistant at Primus.
  • Saved Ben when the Ultimate Forms of the Ultimatrix became sentient and tried to kill him, he also freed the Ultimates from the device.
  • Informing Ben and his team about the situation involving the Dagon and Sir George.
  • After Ben defeated Vilgax and the Dagon, he retrieved the Ultimatrix and gave Ben a new Omnitrix, saying that the young hero proved himself worthy of using it.


  • Helped defeat Malware and the Faction during their attack on Galvan Prime.
  • Resurrecting the Galvanic Mechamorphs after Malware destroyed Galvan B, thus reverting a genocide.
  • Saving Ben and helping him infiltrate the Incursean's forces during their invasion on Earth.
  • Defeats Albedo on two separate occasions during his attempts to get revenge on him.

What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]

  • On the mission to get the pieces of the Map of Infinity, Azmuth disregarded all the people Ben's team saved, only focusing on the bigger picture and not caring for what he called trivialities.
  • Despite having mellowed out over the course of the franchise, Azmuth can still be a jerk.
    • He also tends to boast about his intellect from time to time, though not to an exaggerate degree.
  • His treatment of Albedo and Malware can be seen as questionable.
    • While Albedo deserved to be imprisoned for his crimes and being trapped on another body was his own fault, Azmuth turning him into a 11-year-old was simply too petty.
    • While Azmuth was working on a cure for Malware and was clearly busy, he still named the incomplete Galvanic Mechamorph "Malware", which is very distasteful.
  • Hired a bounty hunter to capture the Unitrix, after he realized the device sampled human DNA and became a woman named Eunice, Azmuth still tried to forcefully take her into storage, disregarding her status as an individual, having to be convinced to take her as his assistant instead.

External Links[]


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Codename: Kids Next Door
Kuki Sanban | Wallabee Beetles

Teen Titans (2003)

Johnny Test
Johnny Test

Ben 10
Kevin Levin | Azmuth

Powerpuff Girls Z

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We Bare Bears
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The Powerpuff Girls (2016)
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Horrid Henry
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Adult Swim
Aqua Teen Hunger Force

The Boondocks
Huey Freeman

Rick and Morty
Rick Sanchez | Morty Smith | Jerry Smith

Smiling Friends
Mr. Boss | Charlie Dompler | Allan Red

The Legend of Team Brunette

See Also
The Amazing World of Gumball Inconsistently Admirable | Final Space Inconsistently Admirable | The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Inconsistently Admirable | Looney Tunes Inconsistently Admirable | Powerpuff Girls Inconsistently Admirable | Regular Show Inconsistently Admirable | Teen Titans Inconsistently Admirable | Warner Bros. Inconsistently Admirable
