Angel is a major character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the protagonist of the spinoff series Angel. He is an ensouled vampire who was cursed with a soul as punishment for his sins, causing him to seek redemption and ultimately leading to he and Buffy Summers falling in love.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Admirable?[]
- While he was a lazy womanizing drunk as a human he did love his sister and comforted her when he was thrown out by his father.
- Despite returning to Darla he didn't kill any innocents, protected missionaries from her and refused her order to kill a baby.
- Saved a small puppy from being hit by a car.
- While it was only to get the government off his back he rescued several soldiers from drowning in a submarine during the second World War.
- Protected Judy from a private investigator, empathized with her struggles as a mixed-raced woman and initially tried to save her and the other residents of the Hyperion Hotel from a demon.
- Warned Buffy about the harvest.
- Warned Buffy about Claw which allowed her to save Xander from Natalie French.
- Stopped the three from killing Buffy.
- Staked Darla to protect Buffy.
- Rescued Willow, Giles and Xander from Marcie's gas chamber.
- Tried to comfort Buffy after she overheard him and Giles discuss her impending death.
- Helped fend off The Master's vampires so Buffy could kill him and prevent the apocalypse.
- Helped Buffy save her friends and prevent The Master's Resurrection.
- Comforted Buffy as she burnt The Master's bones.
- Pretended he was still evil and on Spike's side so he could stop him when he attacked Sunnydale High.
- During the attack he saved Xander from some of Spike's vampires.
- Helped find Buffy and Cordelia's whereabouts so they could stop the Frat Boys at Delta Zeta Kappas.
- Saved a kid from Drusilla and offered her and Spike a chance to leave out of repentance for what he did to her as Angelus.
- Saved Giles and Jenny Calendar from Eyghon the demon.
- Saved Buffy from an order of Taraka assassin.
- Tried to goad Spike into killing him to protect Buffy and her friends since Spike wouldn't be able to use him to restore Drusilla to her full strength.
- Tried to stop Spike and Drusilla from reassembling the Judge.
- Stopped Pete Clarner from killing Buffy.
- Never held a grudge against Buffy for sending him to Hell.
- Saved Willow from Gwendolyn Post.
- Encouraged Buffy to pursue her education and go to college.
- Tried to protect Joyce from Spike.
- Stopped Buffy from staking Spike so she wouldn't endanger Xander or Willow who he had taken hostage.
- Tried to kill himself when he was worried he'd turn back to Angelus so he wouldn't hurt Buffy.
- Comforted Buffy when she lost her powers.
- Comforts Buffy when she starts to feel fighting evil is pontless after an arguement with Joyce, assuring her that fighting was wortwhile even if there was always bad people in the world.
- Helped thwart the sisterhood of Jhe's plan to open the hellmouth and cause an apocalypse and offered to sacrifice himself to stop them.
- During the crisis Angel refused Xander's offer to help in an attempt to keep him safe.
- Helped Buffy rescue Giles and Wesley from Balthazar.
- Saved Xander from Faith.
- Tried to reason with Faith after she killed Finch.
- Helped retake the bronze after Vampire Willow and her minions took the people there hostage.
- Pretended to be Angelus to expose Faith's betrayal and gather information on the mayor's plans.
- Obtained the heart of a demon and used it to cure Buffy of her telepathy.
- Broke up with Buffy after realising he couldn't make her happy.
- Refused to drink from Buffy to cure himself despite being on the brink of death until he was physically coerced into doing so.
- Stopped Mayor Wilkins from killing Buffy in hospital.
- Told Buffy about the Mayor's care for Faith being his weakness which she then used to orchestrate his defeat.
- Took part in the battle to stop Wilkins' ascension.
- Saved Cordelia from Russel Winters.
- Tried to protect Tina from Russel and emotionally supported her.
- Gave Cordelia a job since she was struggling financially.
- Saved Kate Lockley from a talamour demon
- Saved Rachel Fowly from her abusive ex boyfriend Lenny and convinced her to get support.
- Sent Cordelia to Doyle's apartment to keep her safe from Spike.
- Refused to tell Marcus where the Gem of Amara was when he was being tortured by him on Spike's orders.
- Risked his life by exposing himself to sunlight to stop Marcus from sexually abusing some children despite already being severely hurt from the torture at his hands.
- Destroyed the gem of Amara so he wouldn't lose focus on his mission of protecting the innocent.
- Protected Melissa Burns from Ronald Meltzer.
- Arranged for the demons Doyle owed money to to spare his life. He also protected Doyle and Cordelia from those demons when they broke their word and tried to kill Doyle.
- Helped Cordelia rid her apartment of the ghost of Denis Pearson's mother.
- Saved Kate's life from Little Tony.
- Comforted Doyle when he told him about his marriage breaking down.
- Saved Doyle from Richard Straley and his family.
- Returned to Sunnydale to protect Buffy and helped her against the Shumash spirits.
- Sacrificed his humanity to save Buffy from death.
- Helped Doyle to protect the lister clan from the scourge and was willing to give his own life to save them.
- Mourned Doyle after he heroically sacrificed himself and tried to get the oracles to bring him back.
- Comforted Cordelia over Doyle's death.
- Agreed to help protect Barney despite his initial mistrust after being convinced he was harmless.
- Rescued Cordelia from being killed after she was sold off in an auction.
- Asked Cordelia to kill him if he were ever to lose his soul again following his old friend/protégé Penn's return into his life.
- Protected Kate from Penn.
- Gave Wesley a job at Angel Investigations.
- Saved Cordelia and several other women after they were impregnated by a haxil beast.
- Helped Jhiera save her people from the vigorie.
- Stopped Tay from killing Jhiera.
- Saved a kid named Ryan from being hit by a car and exorcised a demon out of him, not realising he was an utter sociopath anyway.
- Protected Wesley from Ryan.
- Saved Ryan's sister Stephanie when he tried to kill her in a fire.
- Comforted Ryan's father over his ordeal with his family.
- Saved a train full of innocent people from a Kwaini demon.
- Saved Wesley and Cordelia from two Kwaini demons.
- Tried to save Trevor Lockley from drug dealing vampires.
- Tried to console Kate after Trevor's death.
- Helped Kate beat the vampires responsible for her father's death.
- Tried to rescue Jack McNamara after his brother Darin lied about him being kidnapped.
- After he was captured and forced to take part in gladitorial combat against demons he set them all free.
- When Lilah Morgan tried to convince him to work for Wolfram and Hart in exchange for his freedom he refused.
- Saved actress Rebecca Lowell from being hit by a car.
- Protected Rebecca from the man Oliver Simon sent after her in order to revive her career.
- Saved Danny Marquez from three demons and convinced him to testify against Wolfram and Hart.
- Intervened on Wesley's behalf when Faith was torturing him.
- Helped redeem Faith and protected her from Buffy and the Watcher's Council even though she had tried to murder him multiple times.
- Saved Alonna Gunn from an arrow.
- Struck a deal with some vampires to spare them so long as they left Gunn and his men unharmed and never returned to LA.
- Comforted Gunn after he was forced to stake his sister.
- Came to Sunnydale to make amends with Buffy over their arguement about Faith and apologised to her for his attitude towards her.
- Teamed up with his enemy Lindsey McDonald to save some children.
- Saved both Cordelia and Wesley when Vocah targeted them.
- Tried to make up for killing a demon who turned out to be heroic by protecting the woman they were trying to help.
- Emotionally supported Faith by occasionally visiting her in prison.
- Forgave Judy's betrayal, allowing her to pass away peacefully.
- Destroyed the Thesualuc demon he knew in the fifties.
- Stopped Gunn from beating up a snitch.
- Comes to rescue Gunn from Deevak and kills the lattter.
- Trained Bethany Chaulk to control her powers and tried to help her with her past of being sexually abused.
- Helped to stop Turfog and his thrall demons who were hypnotising humans into hurting each other.
- Helped rescue Virginia Bryce from being sacrificed by her father Magnus.
- Sympathized with Darla after she was brought back despite her turning him into a monster and stopped Wolfram and Hart's assassins from killing her.
- Stopped Darla's attempt to turn herself back into a vampire.
- Destroyed the Shroud of Rahmon to stop the demon Rahmon from ever rising again and saved Kate's life during the mission.
- During the mission Angel also tried to keep Gunn out of harm's way.
- Tried to save Darla by going through the trials to save her life and consoled her when it didn't work.
- Tried to save Darla from rising again as a soulless vampire.
- When he finds a survivor of Darla and Drusilla's massacare at the clothing store he comforts her and directs her towards a police officer to ensure her safety.
- Protect Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn from Wolfram And Hart, Darla and Drusilla's wrath during his dark phases.
- Gave the two and a-half million dollars he won from his fight with Boone to Anne for her charity.
- Stopped the world from being frozen in time after getting a warning from Lorne.
- Sympathizes with Gene over his disastrous love life and consoles him.
- Saved LA from zombified police officers.
- Comforts Kate when she's worried about her father rising from the grave.
- Saved Kate from a suicide attempt.
- Protected Cordelia, Wesley and Gunn from demons after he had an epiphany about the way he'd been acting.
- Returned to his team as their employee to make amends for his morally questionable behaviour and how he'd treated them.
- Saved Lindsey from being killed by one of the corrupt police officers on Wolfram and Hart's payroll.
- Saved unwilling organ doners from Wolfram and Hart.
- Comforts Buffy over her mother's death.
- Worked with Lorne's cousin Landok to kill a Drokken beast and stopped the beast from killing an innocent girl.
- Went to Lorne's dimension Pylea to rescue Cordelia.
- Refused to kill Fred and protected her from the demons in Pylea.
- Encouraged Lorne to try to make up with his mother.
- Protected Cordelia from James.
- Let Fred stay at the Hyperion after her return from Pylea and encouraged her go out in public more.
- Taught Cordelia how to fight so she can protect itself.
- Arranged for the non-violence spell to be lifted on Caritas in order to allow Innocent demons to protect themselves from Gunn's former gang.
- Broke Billy Blim out of a hell dimension but only to save Cordelia's life.
- Saved Cordelia from being killed by Darla.
- Paid for Cordelia and Groo to go on an extended vacation.
- After he was captured and tortured by Holtz Angel showed genuine concern for his former enemy and tried to convince him to abandon his plans of revenge.
- Comforted Darla when she worried about not being able to love her son after he was born.
- Let Lorne stay in the Hyperion after Holtz destroyed Caritas.
- Protected his son Connor from Lilliad demons, a biker gang and the cult of UI-Thar.
- Tried to ensure Connor's safety by threatening Linwood with serious consequences if he were to die and forced him to set up a college fund for him.
- Helped Sam Ryan take out a nest of vampires even after he found out Sam had lied to him and he wouldn't gain anything from it.
- Rescued Lorne and Fred from Nahdrah demons.
- Tried to find a way to get Connor back after Holtz took him into Quor'toth.
- Stopped Jenoff from getting Gunn's soul.
- Rescued Connor from Tyke.
- Tried to support Connor even after he attempted to kill Cordelia.
- Saved Justine from vampires even though she helped Holtz take Connor from him.
- He decided not to kill Holtz and made peace with him after being convinced they both wanted the best for Connor.
- Forgave Wesley for kidnapping Connor.
- Saved Gwen Raiden from Elliott and convinced her to spare him.
- Watching out Connor every night after give him tough love and kicking him out to teach him lesson.
- Saved Gunn and Fred's destinies.
- Tried to talk Fred out of killing the professor who sent her to Pylea.
- Protected Connor from Zombies.
- Allowed himself to revert to Angelus but only to beat the beast which worked and led to the restoration of the sun.
- Showed sympathy to Wesley for Lilah Morgan's death even though she was his enemy.
- Comforts Fred when she says she's not a champion like him.
- Freed his friends from Jasmine's control.
- Stopped Jasmine from taking free will from the world.
- Offered Jasmine a chance at redemption despite everything she did.
- Tried to comfort Connor after he killed Jasmine.
- Saved innocent hostages and Cordelia from being killed by Connor.
- Arranged with Wolfram and Hart to replace Connor's memories with happy ones and for Cordelia to get medical care.
- Saved Buffy from Caleb.
- Gave Buffy an amulet he got from Wolfram and Hart to help her against the First Evil.
- Tried to rehabilitate Wolfram and Hart, having a zero tolerance policy on killing humans.
- Saved Matthew Fries and had his team disable the bomb in him that would have killed everyone in a fifty yard radius.
- Ended Wolfram and Hart's association with Magnus Hainsley and had his assests frozen to stop his corrupt activities.
- Worked with Spike to take down Hainslsey.
- Saved Nina from McManus and tried to help her with being a werewolf.
- Rescued Nina from Jacob Crane.
- Defeated Matthias Pavayne and had him imprisoned in a containment unit.
- Took part in the effort to recoporealize Spike and save him from being dragged into hell by Pavayne.
- Had his team restore Lorne's sleep and took care of him after he got it back.
- Along with Numero Cinco he defeated a tezcatcatyl demon.
- Comforted Wesley over having to kill a cyborg duplicate of his own father.
- Though it was partly motivated by his self-interest and desire to become human he drank from the cup of perpetual torment in an attempt to save the world.
- When he saw Gunn was injured as a result of Lindsey's manipulations he showed concern for him and urged him to get it checked out.
- Empathized with Dana after learning of her past and tried to capture her without harming her.
- Saved Spike from Dana and showed concern for him after he was hospitalized as a result of her actions.
- Intervened on Cordelia's behalf when Spike attacked her.
- Saved Wesley, Gunn and Fred from Lawson.
- Prevented the demon puppets from Smile Time from stealing the power of their entire audience.
- Tried to save Fred after Illyria used her as a vessel but ultimately allowed her to die because saving her would cost the lives of thousands.
- Tried to stop Illyria from killing all the humans on earth.
- Attempted to protect Knox even though he orchestrated Fred's death.
- Comforted Gunn over his role in Fred's death by assuring him his guilt was what made him a good man.
- Saved Connor and his adopted parents Laurence Reilly and Colleen Reilly from Cyrus Vali's demons.
- Helped Connor prepare for his fight with Sahjhan.
- Risked his life to save Spike from being staked by Illyria.
- Tried to obtain the head of a demon leader in order to prevent a gang war.
- Arranged for Nina and her family to leave town for their own safety.
- Gave Wesley, Spike, Gunn and Lorne the day off before their confrontation with the circle of the black thorn and offered them a choice on if to join him in the battle or not.
- Signed his away his chance to become human to gain the trust of the Circle of the Black Thorn and stop the apocalypse.
- Arranged for the baby he'd previosly given to demons to be rescued.
- Wrote a letter of recommendation for Harmony despite suspecting she would betray him which ended up being true.
- Sent Connor away to keep him safe after his son saved him from Marcus Hamilton.
- Successfully planned for his team to kill every member of the circle.
- After realising the dragon he was supposed to fight was a victim of manipulation Angel took it in as his pet.
- Saved as many people as he could after Wolfram and Hart sent LA to Hell and sent them to safe houses.
- Had Betta George telepathically force Wesley and Spike's memories of Fred into Illyria which stopped her plan to destroy time.
- Got Gunn to kill him, forcing the senior partners to reverse time to before LA went to Hell.
- Saved Gunn before he could be turned into a vampire.
- Saved Nadira from a vampire.
- Persuaded Faith to give her father another chance and stopped her from killing him when it turned out he was using her.
- Prevented Faith from having Drusilla take her pain away from her.
- Reluctantly agreed to help Willow attempt to restore magic by involving Connor.
- When Connor chose to stay in Quor'toth for longer to help protect demons who worshipped him Angel assisted his son.
- Refused to join Whistler in his plans while also showing him compassion and tried to talk him into abandoning them.
- Stopped Eyghon from creating a mystical plague and populating the world with billions of zombies.
- Sympathized with Spike's upset over not being able to move on from Buffy and gave him Harmony's number to cheer him up.
- Resurrected Giles to make up for killing him under Twilight's influence.
- Ultimately got Whistler to abandon his plan which would have killed two billion people, ultimately making him sacrifice himself to prevent it.
- Tried to help anyone who was affected by the magical disturbances in Magic Town.
- Stooped Perl from acquiring bottled magic.
- Imprisoned a villainous pixie called Corky Smallwood to stop him from hurting any more people.
- Refused when Amy asked him to resurrect Warren Mears and got Nadira to stop her.
- Supported Fred when she came back and had merged with Illyria.
- Accepted Xander's apology and reconciled with him.
- Helped the scooby gang stop Archaeus from opening a portal in San Francisco.
- Gave his blessing to Spike and Buffy's relationship.
- Rescued Nadira after Drusilla kidnapped her for Archaeus.
- Saved Magic Town from Archaeus.
- Saved Fred from Darla and his past self as Angelus.
- Gets everyone to abandon a ship before sinking it.
- Considers killing his past self as Liam to save his family, showing that he loved them despite their strained relationship.
- Ultimately didn't kill his past self in order to not undo all the good he did
- Undid the tie paradox from his travels with help from Fred and Illyria.
What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]
- After regaining his soul he willingly returned to Darla and murdered people. While he specifically targeted thieves, criminals, murderers and rapists it still doesn't excuse his actions.
- Turned a soldier named Lawson into a vampire during World War II to escape drowning in a submarine.
- Abandoned the residents of the Hyperion Hotel to a demon due to hurt from Judy's betrayal.
- Gave into temptation and fed on a shopkeeper in the seventies.
- Tortured Lindsey in a parking lot for information on Darla's whereabouts.
- Callously wanted to ignore a suicidal man due to his obsession with Darla and only helped him in the end because Cordelia forced him to.
- Allowed Darla and Drusilla to kill corrupt Wolfram and Hart lawyers then fired Wesley, Gunn and Cordelia for objecting to his behaviour.
- Holds Merl's ankles over water in the sewers and dunks him for information on Drusilla and Darla's whereabouts.
- Manipulated Anne into thinking he was going to expose Wolfram and Hart stealing from charity to trick her into helping him humiliate Lindsey and Lilah.
- Slept with Darla in what was thankfully a failed attempt to deliberately lose his soul.
- Tortured Linwood Murrow to get information on Connor.
- Tried to murder Wesley by smothering him with a pillow as revenge for his role in Connor being kidnapped.
- As part of his deal to save Connor and Cordelia, he allows Wolfram and Hart to altar his friends' memories without their knowledge or consent about Connor.
- Give Connor up to The Reilly Family (Connor's adopted parents Laurence Reilly and Colleen Reilly) when Angel made ultimate sacrifice deal with Wolfram&Hart to save Connor and Cordelia.
- Made Hauser blow his own head off.
- Though it's by no means one-side his interactions with Spike often bring a out a nastier, pettier and more immature side to his personality.
- Killed his own ally Drogyn and altererd a senator's memories to make him think he was a pedophile to convince The Circle Of The Black Thorn that he was evil.
- Has Lorne kill Lindsey because he sees him as irredeemable.
- Served as the Big Bad in the Buffy Season 8 comic books in which he orchestrated several events against Buffy that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people.
External Links[]
- Angel on the Heroes Wiki
- Angel on the Buffyverse Wiki
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Angel | Spike | Xander Harris |