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This Inconsistently Admirable was Headlined on April 2024. |
“ | Anakin: Why couldn't I save her? I know I could have! Padme: Sometimes there are things no one can fix. You're not all-powerful, Ani. Anakin: Well I should be. Someday I will be! I will be the most powerful Jedi ever! |
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~ Anakin's arrogance increasing after his mother's death. |
“ | Anakin: Now, go, my son. Leave me. Luke: No, you're coming with me. I'll not leave you here, I've got to save you. Anakin: You already… have, Luke. You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister… you were right. |
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~ Anakin's last words to his son and ultimate redemption. |
Anakin Skywalker, also known as Darth Vader, is one of the main protagonists of the Star Wars franchise, serving as the main protagonist of the prequel trilogy.
Anakin Skywalker is a legendary Jedi Knight and hero of the Clone Wars. He was the Padawan of Obi-Wan Kenobi, the master of Ahsoka Tano, the third and final Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious (after Darth Maul and Darth Tyranus), the secret husband of Padmé Amidala, the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the father-in-law of smuggler Han Solo and the grandfather of Ben Solo.
He is the prophesized Chosen One, that was said that would've bring balance to the force. He was born a slave in Tatooine, but was found by Qui-Gon Jinn, who, due to his absurd Force sensitivity, believed he was the Chosen One. Due to a series of events, Anakin is brought to the dark side of the force by the evil Darth Sidious, and turns into his right-hand-man and main enforcer, enemy of the Rebel Alliance. However, because of the love of his son, Luke Skywalker, he is able to come back to the light side of the force, and makes up for his crimes by defeating Sidious once and for all.
He is portrayed by Jake Lloyd as a child and Hayden Christensen and Sebastian Shaw as an adult. As Darth Vader, he is portrayed by the late David Prowse and Hayden Christensen while being voiced by the late James Earl Jones. He is also voiced by Matt Lanter in The Clone Wars.
His Good Ranking[]
What Makes Him Admirable?[]
In General[]
- Even as Darth Vader in his last moments, he ultimately shed most of his negative traits and also sacrificed himself so his son could see his face one last time.
The Phantom Menace[]
- As a child, he wanted to end slavery and free both him and his mother.
- In the Phantom Menace special comics, he freed a young Tuskin Raider from slavers.
- He also tried to work on a device that could disable the slave transmitter chips so slaves can be free. Although he never finished it his sister-in-law Beru did as stated in Queen's Shadow.
- Created C-3PO to help his mother with chores.
- Won the Podrace for Watto to give spare parts for the Naboo crew to make it to Coruscant.
- Accepted to be trained as a Jedi and comforted his mother by saying he'd come back to free her.
- He destroyed the Trade Federation's control ship, deactivating the battle droids and allowing the heroes to win the Battle of Naboo.
Attack of the Clones[]
- He tracked down Zam Wessel as she tried to kill Padmé Amidala and tried to get information from her before she was killed by Jango Fett.
- He escorted Padmé along with R2-D2 to Naboo.
- Went to Tatooine when he had a vision of his mother dying.
- While searching for his mother, he negotiated with Jawas and traded them tools while searching for her. It is also highly implied that he was just going to get his mother out without any of the Tuskin Raiders looking.
- Went to Geonosis along with Amidala to try to rescue Obi-Wan.
- When Obi-Wan chids him for the idea, Anakin didn't blame her and took the fall.
- Helped in the fight between the Separatist forces and droids and the Jedi along with the clone army.
- Fought Count Dooku along with Obi-Wan in an attempt to defeat him.
The Clone Wars[]
- Though he was extremely reluctant to train Ahsoka Tano at first, he later accepted his responsibility as her master after seeing her in action. This also makes Anakin responsible for every heroic deed Ahsoka performed thereafter.
- Managed to rescue Jabba the Hutt's son, whose kidnapping was erroneously associated with the Jedi.
- Fought numerable battles and saved countless lives throughout the Clone Wars.
- In one battle on a cruiser, he force pushed Ahsoka, Rex, Aayla, Bly, Cameron, Flash and Lucky out of an incoming explosion and letting himself get wounded from it. After that, he helps them defeat Lok Durd.
- He told Ahsoka that they can't force Lurmen to fight and defended their home.
- He arrested Dr. Nuvo Vindi, who is objectively the most evil Star Wars Canon villain, and helped stopped his plan of releasing the Blue Shadow Virus into the galaxy.
- Despite being reckless while training Ahsoka, Anakin looked out for her and saved her when in trouble.
- Saved Eeth Koth when he was captured by General Grievous.
- He also, along with Ahsoka Tano and Obi-Wan, helped train farmers to defend themselves against Hondo's pirates. In fact, it was Anakin who came up with the idea which lead to less casualties.
- He devised a plan that appease both Mace Windu and the Dugs to knock the Zillo Beast out with stun cannons. In its comatose state, they can pass it off as dead to appease the Dugs and then transport it to a new home before it regains consciousness. This would allow the Republic to get both the alliance for the fuel they need and the Zillo Beast to be safe.
- Although Palpatine later change the plan to Coruscant, this was out of Anakin's control. While he wasn't defending it because of witnessing how dangerous it is, when he learned that the Zillo Beast was ordered to be killed, Anakin then agreed to help convince Palpatine to move it off world not to kill it. Plus Anakin also knew that he wasn't the best choice to help his wife and the Jedi.
- He dug for Ahsoka and Barriss when the Geonosis factory was destroyed. If Anakin just left them there and didn't search like Luminara suggested their Padawans would’ve died.
- Saved Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze from Tal Merrik when he tried to blow up their ship.
- In Tales of the Jedi, Anakin set up a training exercise where Ahsoka defends herself from his clone trooper blaster stuns. Ahsoka uses these skills she learned from that exercise to defend herself from the same clones during Order 66, meaning he indirectly played a role in her survival.
- Helped save Tipoca City from Ventress and her Seperatist forces.
- Refused to kill Ahsoka, even though she was brainwashed by the Son and trying to kill him.
- When seeing his future as Darth Vader and glimpsing the atrocities he would commit, Anakin temporarily fell to the dark side only to stop the future from coming to pass. He apologized to Obi-Wan Kenobi for the turn.
- Freed the slaves from the Zygerian Queen due to not wanting that people to suffer the same slavery-related trauma he did.
- While Anakin had a strongly dislike the Tusken Raiders, Zygerrians, and the Hutts from his experiences on Tatooine — feeling contempt for their cruel cultural ways. It is shown he is willing to put aside these feelings at times. Examples include his seeming remorse for killing a tribe of Tsuken Raiders in Attack of the Clones, and when pitying Queen Miraj in her final moments.
- While acting unconcerned of Dooku killing Queen Miraj, Anakin did express shock and upset over her death, he was likely bluffing when he claimed he didn’t care. Miraj also pridefully rule over a planet that practices slavery daily and captured his friends as a bargaining chip for Anakin. Her slaves are also mistreated so badly that one even committed suicide. That said, it backs up that Anakin was bluffing over.
- He proposed a plan to create resistance units on Separatist-held worlds and help trained a band of rebels to fight for their home and free them from Separatist control.
- Among the rebels was Saw Gerrera, who despite having extreme methods later on, Anakin is indirectly responsible for helping create Rebel cells who would fight against the Empire.
- Felt empathy for and tried to defend Ahsoka when she was falsely accused of a crime she didn't commit and subsequently eliminated from the Jedi Order and stripped of her Jedi status.
- Captured Barriss Offee and brought her to the court, thus proving Ahsoka's innocence and saving her life.
- After Ahsoka declined to return to the Jedi, Anakin accepted her refusal and wished her luck.
- He called the Jedi Council out for flaws that include them treating him like a pawn and doing something (rightfully) unfair to him.
- He only killed villains like Admiral Trench in self-defense. He also killed Senator Tal Merrik because he was going to blow up the ship with innocent people in it.
- He saved Padme from falling to her death on Skipio and tried to do the same for Rush Clovis despite their animosity towards each other. Anakin was also horrified that Clovis fell to his death.
- Helps Yoda when he starts having odd feelings, and tells the other Jedi to take care of him. He also defended Yoda when Ki-Adi-Mundi accused Yoda of being vulnerable to the dark side. He also helps Yoda escape despite knowing he would be blamed.
- He agreed to help Bo-Katan and Ahsoka with capturing Maul.
Revenge of the Sith[]
- Defeated Count Dooku, and was very reluctant to kill him at first, only doing it after being pressured by Palpatine.
- Saved a clone during a space battle.
- Insisted on carrying Obi-Wan to safety and refused to abandon him despite Palaptine's attempts to get him to do so.
- While his plan did fail, he took the risk in agreeing to Jedi Council's idea on spying on Palpatine to find the truth about why he's been in office longer than usual and any ulterior motives that may lead to corruption.
- Even after becoming seduced by the dark side of the Force's powers, one of his main goals when he started going down in the dark path was to save Padmé's life by learning how to manipulate the Midi-chlorians.
Post-Prequel Era[]
- Even after his fall, he still has several moments of honor, such as saving Sabé on Naboo thinking she’s Padmé, crushing a Holocron listing Force sensitive children which Jocasta Nu was after, was willing to kill himself for killing children and has legitimate respect for Grand Admiral Thrawn.
- His loyalty to Sidious was legitimate, as he obeyed all of his orders thinking he would save Padmé and saved his life from Mace Windu. That is, until, he found out that Sidious manipulated him, which makes wanting to kill him understandable.
- He still cared about his old friends Kitster and Wald. After Sabé reunited them, he saved their lives from a monster attack to save his former friends' life and even using their podracer to almost sacrificed himself to destroy the planet governor's life-draining weapon to save Gabredor 3. Also at the end of his series despite Ochi, sparing them, Vader order him to not go after them again.
- The love of his son, Luke, towards him, and his refusal in killing him allowed him to redeem himself to save his son, come back to the light side of the force and kill Darth Sidious, ending his reign of terror, even sacrificing his own life to do this.
- Felt remorse for every atrocity he committed as Darth Vader.
- He told Luke to tell Leia, that his son was right on him being redeemed, giving an assurance of hope in turning back from his ways.
- He saved Lina Graf and her crew from his servant Vanee.
- He helped Ahsoka complete her training and said goodbye to her before disappearing. He only resorted to using his Vader persona to help Ahsoka let her feelings out so she can be stronger than ever.
- After Ahsoka helped save Ezra and Sabine, Anakin looked proudly at her, satisfied that she has completed her training.
- After dying, he turned into a Force spirit, and helped Rey in her final confrontation with Darth Sidious, ensuring the Force was with her, and empowering her along with the spirits of the other Jedi.
Legend Material[]
- Even as a boy, he was a local hero where he...
- Invented a signal scrambler device to protect his friend, Pala Kwi'teksa and several Ghostling children from Gardulla the Hutt, whom Gardulla had kidnapped to use as ornaments in her luxurious if notorious pleasure garden.
- He also secretly reprogrammed many Recon-PKs droids, so that they would fail to report any pertinent information on the actions of the slaves to their masters. As a result of seventeen slaves were able to escape Mos Espa over the years.
- He freed a womp rat from a trap and the rat gave him an energy binder for his Podracer.
- He killed the assassin Ke Daiv in self-defense when he tried to kill a young native girl named Jabitha. Plus Anakin felt great remorse of killing Ke Daiv in a brutal way.
What Makes Him Inconsistent?[]
- He is constantly arrogant and reckless, refusing to listen to others or making dangerous decisions in his plans (these plans mostly work with only a little number of his troops dying though). He also considers himself better than most people many times and overestimates his abilities, resulting in him rebelling or refusing to listen to his masters, and these traits, plus Darth Sidious' manipulations, influenced his fall to the bad ways of the dark side. Even if he never became Darth Vader, these other corrupting factors prior to his fall to the dark side may have already sealed his moral scaling to be prevented from being even Near Pure Good.
- He was very jerkish in the Jedi Quest novel series.
- He infamously fell to the dark side and became a villain thanks to Palpatine's manipulation by cutting off master Windu's hand and allowing Darth Sidious to murder him thus showing he isn't incorruptible, and he ends up passing the heinous standards of the franchise, earning himself a spot on the Inconsistently Heinous wiki.
- Even as a hero, he's done some very questionable actions:
- He killed the Tusken Raiders families, including the women and children, just to avenge his mother. But Anakin felt remorse over this act and the Tuskens would mostly attack and kill people as well as rob others.
- He brutally attacked and Force choked Poggle the Lesser during interrogation, even if Poggle deserved it for being an immoral arms dealer, his overthrowing and assassinating Geonosis' previous king to take his place, collaborating with Queen Karina to have the Jedi infected with parasitic brain worms, and overall being an oppressive ruler.
- He went on a quest to avenge Obi-Wan's "death" by searching for Rako Hardeen, nearly killing him.
- Killed several people across the Clone Wars in some moments where it wouldn't be a good time to do so, a good example being when he stabs Tal Merrik. While it was necessary to save the ship from being destroyed, Anakin smiles indifferently after he's killed while the Imperial March theme plays in the background, alluding to Anakin's inner darkness.
- Told Obi-Wan to drop Dooku when he teamed up with them.
- He interrogates Asajj Ventress (while she is unarmed) by Force choking her, this wasn't the only time of him being aggressive to her, as he gave into the dark side during Clone Wars (2003) having no restraint in trying to kill her, and further makes him more subjective into accepting the evil in him.
- He attacked Rush Clovis and beat him up just for trying to kiss Padme, exposing his secret relationship with her and causing tensions in it. Although it should be noted that Clovis was trying to forcefully kiss Padme and Anakin was also trying to defend his wife.
- Although defeating Dooku was a goodness zone feat, Anakin uses the bad ways of the dark side to beat him and gave into them by murdering the Sith Lord, after he was defenseless against him, which became a driving factor in making him more susceptible in being corrupted by Sidious.
- Although he did care about Padme, his relationship with her became rather unhealthy and bordered on obsession due to his inability to let go of the people he loved. He looked at Padme Amidala in a creepy way, and while he apologized for making her feel uncomfortable, it did not sound remotely sincere. This obsession can make him to do extreme things such as badly beating up Rush Clovis for forcefully kissing her or yell at other people for supposedly making his relationship with her worse. His refusal to accept any of his loved ones' deaths eventually allowed him to do many questionable and downright villainous actions listed above.
- Even after his redemption, he resorted to his Darth Vader persona and threatened to kill Ahsoka if she failed to comply with his teaching methods. Even though he wanted her to get over her fear of Darth Vader, this was a little extreme.
- He tends to blame others for his actions or whine about things that doesn't satisfy his expectations, such as him accusing Obi-Wan Kenobi multiple times of "holding him back" (justified because at the time Obi-Wan refused to save his mother and wanted Anakin to follow the code) and reacting with hatred for The Jedi Council when they denied him his promotion of Jedi Master (justified again because they often did have fear of him).
- Out of all of the Star Wars Inconsistently Admirable's, he is currently the only one to have fallen to the dark side.
- He and Luke, along with Din Djarin and Grogu, Father and Daughter, as well as Homer and Bart Simpson are the only father-child duos on this wiki.
- Interestingly enough, the first three are all from Star Wars and he shares the same age with Grogu (while Homer and Bart are from The Simpsons).
- His IA status is ironic since, as Darth Vader, he is the face of the Inconsistently Heinous Wiki and the first IH ever proposed.
- In a further twist of irony, SpongeBob SquarePants, the face of the Inconsistently Admirable Wiki and the first IA ever proposed, is also IH.
- He and SpongeBob SquarePants are the only IA Heroes to be headlined in both IA Wiki as well as IH Wiki as Darth Vader in the case of the former.
- Anakin's history during 2008's The Clone Wars series has numerous contradictions to fit into the Legends Continuity and in some cases even the Hexalogy canon too, such as Eeth Koth surviving the point blank explosion on Geonosis, and is written back alive in the show to fill in a Jedi role any other Jedi could have done, but it had to be him, for literally no reason, which is why the show is classified as T-Canon, and not C-Canon, but for the sake of having involvement with the Legends continuity, at least of certain events that may have happened with Anakin's actions, it has some canoncity but it is highly unusable throughout a large portion of how it is tied with C-Canon, and can only work with G-Canon by reinterpreting what Episode II and III have stated about the clones moral agency and the wars track record of its successes and failures on both sides of the battles, so in total this is a composite profile of G-Canon containing C-Canon, with a small amount of T-Canon, and G-Canon containing Disney's continuity with full amount T-Canon, excluding C-Canon.
- In a deleted scene of The Phantom Menace, he beats up Greedo just for childishly calling him a cheater. If George Lucas had kept this idea, this would’ve made Anakin more inconsistent.
External Links[]
- Darth Vader on the Inconsistently Heinous Wiki
- Anakin Skywalker on the Heroes Wiki
- Darth Vader on the Villains Wiki
- Anakin Skywalker on the Star Wars Wiki
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