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Akiyu, also known as Tidebound Tina, is a minor character in the Netflix TV Show The Dragon Prince. She is an ocean archmage, who was behind the creation of Aaravos' prison. She was killed by Claudia after the Startouch Elf she had imprisoned freed himself, in order to prevent her from doing so again.

She is voiced by Julie Lemieux.

Her Good Ranking[]

What Makes Her Admirable?[]

  • She was the one who built the prison that could hold Aaravos, which stopped him from endangering the world and preventing a war from elves and dragons.
  • She made a promise to the Jailer to keep the location of Aaravos' prison a mistery, which she did for 300 years.
  • She saved Team Zym from being killed by carrion gulls.
  • Despite Team Zym insisting to go find the location of Aaravos' prison, Akiyu tried on multiple occasions to convince them to give up, as she didn't want to kill them, and was reluctant when she was forced to try to.
  • After finding out that there were people trying to free Aaravos and already knew about his prison's location, Akiyu decided to tell Team Zym where the prison was located, which made them arrive before Claudia could and stop her.
  • She gave Callum an amulet that made him capable of making a spell that made Team Zym able of breathing under water, which played a big role in stopping Claudia.
  • Despite the high admirable standards of the Dragon Prince, Akiyu stands out for her minimal screen time, and playing a big role in stopping Aaravos, preventing from accomplishing his goal of bringing eternal night and endangering the world for 300 years, and doing the same in the present even if temporarily. It's also shown that Aaravos' plans would only be able to succeed with Akiyu's death, showing her importance in keeping Aaravos from achieving his goals.

What Makes Her Inconsistent?[]

  • While she was very reluctant to do it and tried to convince Team Zym to stop trying to find Aaravos, Akiyu still tricked them into going to the mouth of a sea beast, which almost got most of them killed.
  • She can be quite rude, such as calling Team Zym a group of "ragtag weirdos", telling Callum to shut up even though he was just asking for advice or knowledge she could tell him, and demanding Team Zym to leave even when Callum asked her what the amulet was for, even hitting Soren with her staff, with her taking joy in the latter act.


  • She and Avizandum are the two characters of The Dragon Prince to be Inconsistently Admirable so far.

External Links[]


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Animated Features

Live-Action Features
Light Turner | Bee

Animated Television
Anakin Skywalker | Mace Windu | Luke Skywalker | Han Solo | Bo-Katan Kryze Daughter | Father | Snotlout Jorgenson | Heather | Dagur the Deranged | Viggo Grimborn | Melvin Sneedly | Avizandum | Akiyu | Catra | Blue | Trevor Belmont | Isaac | Alucard | Hector | Johnny Test | Zeus | Reagan Ridley | Klaus Dumont | Mugman | Tails Nine

Live-Action Television
Martin Brenner | Sam Owens | Mike Wheeler | Erica Sinclair | Clay Jensen | Zach Dempsey | Hazel | Dodge | Kinsey Locke | Morizono Aguni | Cho Sang-woo | Christopher Scarver | Wednesday Addams

See Also
Castlevania Inconsistently Admirable | DreamWorks Inconsistently Admirable | Stranger Things Inconsistently Admirable | Universal Studios Inconsistently Admirable
